Monday, October 24, 2011

Chobot Art

Hello Chobots!

I would like to share these drawings, by our chobot Silverblush, with you!
Take a look:

Good job Silverblush! What do you guys think?
If you have any drawings, designs, videos or just ideas in general, you are most welcome to write an e-mail to with an image attached/linked. 

Have fun!
Chobots Team


  1. first comment yes i have a picture go and look on only for you :)

  2. Seond comment.
    Wow :D The pics are really awesome.

    I'm waiting for my bursh. ._."

    Where is it ?! :S


  3. Hey guys,
    The reason .net is going down alot is because it's ovbisoly improving on their security as well as other updates. please be patient when this happens as chobots is trying to get it back up as fast as they can!


  4. Another reason is that someone hacked rain, so it rained balloons, but really it was Knight Armor that sold for 80000 each and he rained 10 of them. Don't trust parties that happen randomly and after some bugs.


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