Saturday, March 10, 2012

Double Contests!

Hello Chobots! We're opening 2 new contests for this weekend. As a little change, we will be awarding 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th for both.

Time to farm!
Lets recycle!

We will have a nice extra prize for the Chobot who can get on both leader boards and have the lowest total points. This means the higher on the board you get, the lower amount of points you acquire! Here are 2 examples.
(Ex: 1st in farm and 28th in garbage = 29points)
(Ex: 4th in farm and 3rd in garbage = 7points This user would win.)

Good luck!

PS: If you are caught cheating in either event you will be banned from contests for life. Please do not cheat. This is your only warning.

To report somebody for cheating, please upload a picture/video of proof and send the link to @Zoozach until the email system is fully set. We will inform you when you can send in emails again!

Have fun,
Chobots Team


  1. Sounds Great!
    Thanks for informing us. Good luck everyone!

  2. is the rope contest cancelled cause i if it is i waisted all my weekend getting up too first.
    I dont think its fair :"(

  3. Nobody said the rope contest was cancelled...

  4. The rope contest is cancelled Trill told :O

  5. BTW im first in garbage colllector :D

  6. What is the big problem about Chobots? Whats actually going on? I think you can easily make Chobots the way it was.. unless 'the team' is taking a big break o_o

  7. Chobots it's not working! ;(


  8. Guys, please understand that the Team are trying their best to make a safe environment for us to play in. This will take some time, so we must be patient. Remember that .net is a quite new game, there's a lot of development and coding to be done. They are doing a brilliant job, so let's give them the amount of time needed for them to continue.

  9. Yes, Give Them Time :)
    I think Somebody went Wrong Or They Are Continue :P

  10. I'm waiting for Chobots to work again, I'm gonna draw some pics and make some videos ;P

  11. Furball... Cho was back on a few hrs ago. It's down again now tho WTH IS GOING ON!!!!!


    1. Yes, I know. I came online yesterday, started to make a CMV, I was planning to finish it today :(

    2. Ikr :( I was gonna make my CMV today, but cho wasn't on. I might make a cp one instead :Z

  12. Check out my blog!

  13. ugh, please fix it. i am now to the point that whenever i am on, and nobody moves for 5+ seconds that we all disconnected it happens so much. please fix it fast, or give us an update or time

  14. Things you could do while waiting:
    Draw a picture - will raise your chances of getting a paintbrush.

    Plan your CMV, improve ideas - Will certainly help improve your video.

    Improve your blog - Find out how to improve your blog, will raise chances of getting a feather + being on offical blogroll.

    Lovely day? Go outside - Have some fun with friends, go out for a walk.

    Go on a gadget - Nintendo DS, 3DS, DSI, Wii, xbox, Play Station, etc.

    Still bored? Don't know what to do? There must be tons of stuff to do on the internet. See what you can find. Good luck! ;)


  15. heres one ele, while no one works on the competition, get your homework done. so you dont worry about it later.

  16. Chobots not working? Not even the forum?

  17. I dont have no homework x.x So bored..

  18. hings you could do while waiting:
    Draw a picture - will raise your chances of getting a paintbrush.

    Plan your CMV, improve ideas - Will certainly help improve your video.

    Improve your blog - Find out how to improve your blog, will raise chances of getting a feather + being on offical blogroll.

    Lovely day? Go outside - Have some fun with friends, go out for a walk.

    Go on a gadget - Nintendo DS, 3DS, DSI, Wii, xbox, Play Station, etc.

    Still bored? Don't know what to do? There must be tons of stuff to do on the internet. See what you can find. Good luck! ;)

    Too wet and cold for a walk. I have no homework. My 3DS has no charge -.- other gadgets got boring earlier on. Internet, already been on all the things I want.
    Drawn a lot of pics lastnight and I improved my blog yesterdaay btw ppl ;D

  19. why why why i want to play chobots so bad and again is not working :( :( WHY WHY

  20. I hope this isn't 5 days again :(

  21. Im just starting to give up now....

  22. hey guys is anyone else not able to log in right now?

  23. Guys, I think someone hacked
    It might shutdown.

    1. oh...i dont think there going to shut it down again i think thier going to fix it....

  24. umm can't remember password and reset email isn't working so.... darn...

    ~sadly, octt1025

  25. Ugh people.
    They moved the servers and of course they need to do maintainance

  26. 2/11/13 11:05 cst matninence performed.


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