Monday, April 23, 2012

Twitter Integration

Hi Chobots! Development here with an important question!

We've been looking into integrating Twitter with Chobots so you can tweet whilst playing. We would like to know what do you think of this idea and should we carry it out and integrate it into Chobots!

Please vote in the Poll Below!

Have fun,
Chobots Team


  1. Great idea! i would use this for sure :)

  2. Hi Chobots Team,
    I would just like to say that I don't think you should add twitter because there are some young children playing this game. Also you wouldn't want 7 yr olds making twitter accounts would you!

    Kind Regards


  3. I think it should happen,some people,like me,use Twitter a lot :)

  4. Love the idea ;) btw if I don't come on chi much its because I have no internet for a week I'm using my phone now x)

  5. I think the idea is okay, because I see many Chobots are using twitter, but I don't.

  6. No theres some kids out there playing chobots and cant be invoved in facbook and/or twitter

  7. Also to add to my point you have to be over 13 to sign up for Facebook and twitter and most people on Chobots are under that age!


  8. yea but they would probably make them sign in to twitter so if the kids dont have twitter they just dont get it, I'm basically saying you can't use twitter without a twitter account

  9. Yea..
    I mean.. they don't HAVE to make an account! Gosh!
    AND DO NOT DO FACEBOOK! Thats for like 18+ or something.
    Maybe when you click it says "Are you 13+?" if your signed in already.. it wont say that!

    1. Anyone could lie about the 13+ to use it!
      and facebook is for 13+ lol!

  10. I don't think there should be. There are like 7-12 year olds on her and i thinkk its bad for them. We don't want them making twitter accounts.
    Yours sincerely... Georgina xx

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Sorry, I typed the above comment wrong xD

    Plenty of under 13's are on Twitter, especially if they own blogs or something. My twitter account is used to post updates about chobots when I can't be bothered to post on my blog xD

  13. A lot of players use twitter accounts. It's their choice alone if they make an account, or who they follow. They don't even have to make an account to see the account :)

  14. Ugh,people...7 year olds barely know how to turn on the computer..I don't think they even know what Twitter is/how to make an account.
    @carmel Yes,Facebook should NEVER be added to the game. BTW Facebook isn't for +18,you must be at least 13.
    Anyway,they should use the age thing that you get when you register. I think this feature should only appear to the 13-17 and 18 Chobots.

    1. It still doesn't matter.. most people are 18+ anyways!

    2. There are barely any 18+ year olds on chobots! I'm only 11 and I don't like the idea!

  15. Definitely, but it should probably have some sort of minimum age for use.

  16. cool I love it!!! Ps this is from goldblush

  17. I agree with Georgina and lepure... I'm im the 13+ range, and I don't even have a Twitter, in fact I don't even know what it is! I only have a facebook, but you shouldn't intergrate Twitter or Facebook into Chobots!

  18. Bad sign... I just got a Twitter... Now I'm going to try to figure out what it is and how to use it... But no way would I intergrate it with Chobots! I wouldn't do it, at my age. :P

  19. @Carmel1011 no, most people are not over 18+ in a recent study, new children are born ever 5-10 minuets. It's a huge increase from what it was in the 1980's thru the 1990's which was a child was born every 50minuets-3hours.

    Twitter; I think that this would be a great idea if most of the users on chobots were over the age of thirteen. Most of the chobots on here are 10-12 or some younger ones that are 7-9. But, if you told them to sign up (without a warning) you'd technically be breaking U.S. Law. Twitter is great, I use it and most people do; but I believe that it's easier to just come to a blog and check for long written posts. 140 characters is not enough to say the most detailed things.
    So please, don't do this. Majority might rule in this vote, but that 44% telling you not do it. (almost half of the users that voted)
    Thank you.


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