Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Now on Youtube!

Goodmorning Chobots,

Let me announce our new official Chobots account on Youtube! Click here to view the Chobots channel. With the Chobots Youtube account we will be posting some sneak peaks, parties, updates, and much more! We even created a playlist for us to share your videos with the rest of the world! So if you're a film producer on Chobots please send in your videos, we'll be more than happy to share.

Be sure to click the Subscribe button when on the channel because when we hit 100 likes Chobots will be partying!

We really love it when users send it artwork or videos, it helps Chobots get more known, bringing new attention, more users, more friends, and making Chobots a better game for all.

Here's a video by one of our users Enhance hanging out with our Head of expansion, and support staff member Ashely.



  1. Cool!!!
    1st comment x3
    and first subcriber x3

  2. Epic! I think you should look for a spelling mistake in your post. Its chobots not bhobots ;)

  3. I can't wait to see your new youtube background@!

  4. Lol! In the first place she/he? Had the exact same hair as me!


  5. Why'd you delete my first comment? You really hurt my feelings. ):


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