Friday, October 19, 2012

New Agents!

Hey Cho's!

It's coming to the end of October now, so we're going to be picking a few new agents to join the agency squad!

If you don't know what an agent is, an agent is a user who has proven themselves to the staff and fellow users that they know a lot about the game and they have the power to improve it. These agents work together to stop nichos from causing problems on Chobots.

We usually pick around 4 or 5 new agents each month, but it does really depend on how many users truly deserve it. We're ready to hear what you guys have to say about who should join the agents team.

In the comments, suggest, up to 2, users who should be entered into the agents poll. The poll will be up Tuesday, so you have until Monday to recommend!

Please remember that cheating in anyway, including asking for votes, will end all chances of agency for you in the future. Play fairly!

To report a cheater, please email support with picture proof.

Good luck,


  1. For me, it has got to be master720 and hummingbirdvani :)
    Master720:Awesome person in general, has a blog and is a talented drawer
    Hummingbirdvani:Same as master, but hasn't shown herself fully yet ;)


  2. Good luck Guys!
    And I choose Spencer Because he is kind, he tell's new Chobots what to do in Chobots and helps out .

  3. hummi is a good chobot and helpful :-)

    Vote for hummi :D

    full name:hummingbirdvani

  4. Well i think

    rage: He's helpful, mature and very respectful he'd make a great addition to the agency team.

    yosheh: He's one of the nicest and oldest chobots he knows alot also is very helpful he so deserves agent!

  5. hummingbirdvani and master720

  6. I would have to go with these 2 chobots:


    They're great girls! Very helpful, nice, and they are active in-game.

    Good luck to all those who get voted for :)

  7. I wish I could vote for 4 but seeing as I have to pick 2 I deicded to pick-

    Randomzzz and Hummindbirdvani.
    they are great friends, very helpful and very kind. They are also very active and great additions to the community.


  8. Replies
    1. She's sooo helpful and nice. She's an awesome drawer too and she's german and we also don't have many german agents :)

  9. Eggs and Adster015!

    Eggs has been playing for ages and every day she helps.
    Adster015 is one of the friendliest chobots I have ever seen.


  10. I would recommend peace as an agent because peace is a friendly, and helpful person/chobot who is always willingly to help anyone even if it takes along time. :)


  11. I have closely thought this over for a while now. I've been keeping my eye our for good chobots who seem friendly and helping. So I decided to make my 2 recommendations Lamby and Apollo.
    I Choose Lamby as a candidate because as nice as she is, she goes beyond what is expected of her. She helps many people. Today she helped Koiz and I as we were attempting to track down the name on an inappropriate chobot.
    Furthermore, Apollo also seems like an excellent candidate for agency because he is a very friendly and helping chobot who is also active in our community. He has hosted some small parties, as well as welcomed new chobots and and helped them.

  12. Hey ,
    i will recommend :

    > Theufo
    > Starwulf

    They helped me many time


  13. ufo means theufo I made a typeo im voting for rage and theufo

  14. First of all there were so many people who I wanted to vote for but these 2 I think truly deserve it.

    1. Spencer20. Spencer is always helping around chobots and is always seeing if you are alright :)

    2. Eggs. Eggs is a wonderful chobot who is always helping and has a very good sense of humor.

  15. I would have to choose these two:

    1) Carmel1011 = Where can I begin! Such a wonderful friend to have, plus of her kindness that she has always shown towards each and every cho. I honestly wish I had her patience sometimes.

    2) Peace = Again, where can I begin? Whenever I get online, she's always there to greet me with a friendly hello. Plus, with her incredible helping skills, I see no reason that she and Carmel don't deserve the agency badge!

    I hope you take these words into account, as I have thought for a while into picking these two. Have a nice day!


  16. -spencer20
    Because they both are nice and helped me out and told me where to get bugs easy

  17. Carmel1011= really nice and respectfull and telles me where stuff are.
    staffmember= helped me with games and told me about choproff so i can get bugs fast.


  18. I have 2 votes: My sister, because i can tell you, she's super smart, and she can put up with me! xD She's also my "tutor". She tutors dyslexic children, and im one of those dyslexic kids :/ But me and her are still extremely close. Her user is Bluemuffin90. And my second vote is Sweetypie22. She is SO nice and friendly, and she knows all the chobots rules. She doesn't overdo it, and she has helped me with every problem and question i had :) I knew her since i first joined .net and she's always the person to go to when you need help.

  19. I vote for Peace because she is honest and a worthy player. She is always by your side and is rule to rule perfect. She enjoys playing and socializing and is to keep you safe and happy.


  20. Hi chos. Good luck on agency.

    My recommendations are:

    frappuccinov and master720.

    Both are very kind and helpful.

    Good luck chos and don't be sad if you don't make it!

  21. I would have to recommend Cptestninja! He is very dedicated to chobots and knows a lot! He is also very kind, determined, and helpful. Good luck to all and thank you for the people who voted for me so far, love you guys!


  22. I would like to recommend rage and ground. They know the rules very well and are kind. They're also very helpful. They need more recognition for what they do.

    -Jim Pickens

  23. So ._. yep this is great.

    Ima vote for ground and rage cause they are nice and helpful :D

    Good luck..Ya'll :B Hinga Dinga Durgen!

  24. Hello!
    I would like to vote for Cathan.
    Cathan is one of the most kind Chobots I have ever met in my intire Chobots Life. He is nice, considerate and is very creative :)
    He is also a great friend and He is agent quality!

  25. Wish good luck to all my friends. You friend piap.

  26. Carmel1101: because once you get to know her in and out of chobots game she is a funny, nice and helpful person, she puts others first, like stopping and helping me in nichos mission and helping me participate in other things, she is a helpful and great friend.

    Eggs: Eggs is the funniest chobot ever. I think eggs should be agent as she is very positive and is very dedicated to chobots. Whenever there is a problem and you are sad she will put a big smile on youe face, I feel like eggs should of gotten agent ages ago as she deserves it so much. :)

  27. eggs and especially fazi914 he has been very helpful he offered to help kiara with her blog and eggs is nice and pays attention to me!

  28. Fazi914 and maybe lolarocks12345 i think fazi914 because i actually know him and he invited me to chobots on my 1st acc but my acc dissapeared so i made a new acc called jhon00 on chobots and ty for making a blog fazi914 it helped me a lot. And lola u are so nice organized respectful and responsible u should know a l ot cuz u learn very quick!

  29. Hi guys :D
    I would love to recommend Vatsal because he is the most kindest peron on chobots he respects people he is always there to help so i think he would be greatly needed on your team.
    Also i would like to vote eggs because she i so calm with things she can help solve problems in a second and she is very friendly
    Thanks :)

  30. I think fazi914 and Adster015 Adster015 is the nicest guy in chobots he has feelings and care and he doesnt always think about himself and fazi914 is really kind-hearted and gave me my first tour ever on chobots he is respectful to me thank you both of you i really appreciate it

  31. i vote supportful-he is very helpful and talkes very nicely to everyone.

    i 2nd vote-master720 which is a good friend of mine and very helpful and polite.

  32. I'm eppling, I've once nearly became an agent on .com but not I'm on .net,

    I've always tried to be helpful,strict, approachable
    and then again have a laugh!

    This is a great idea for me, But unfortunley my name isin't here

    So I'm going to post who I think deserve agency.
    i'M CHOOSING 3, I know it says 2 but I'm posting 3

    Sweetneetu, She is such a kind girl and has always been really helpful,

    Supportful- My buddy support, He is my best friend on chobots! We always hang out and we always hang out with new chobots and he helps them! Good luck

    Randomzzz- He is so kind, He is always there for you, He tells me to keep going with my agency goal, But that don't matter,
    He is so kind and helpful and funny too!

    These are the chobots I choose

    Eppling :D

  33. I vote Everyone. xD

  34. Hello, Now this is a very hard choice so many that you can vote for but i can only vote for 2! :)

    I beleive lola12345rocks should become an agent because she is very active and also really friendly!

    I also vote for boomman! I vote him because he is also very active and very helpful! :)

  35. I think Sweetneetu should become an agent, because she's always friendly and she worked for years for becoming an agent and helped very much (also on .de) and she never became. She is a true friend and she always follows the rules. No one hates her on chobots, because she's always friendly. She never was mean. I really think SWEETNEETU deserves the badge.
    I also vote for DELIICIOUZZ. He has an awesome blog and he is very active on his blog. He's helpful and friendly. And he follows the rules. I know sweetneetu and Deliiciouzz from .de and they were always nice and friendly. And they never changed. So I think they are perfekt for this job.
    My vote:

  36. I'd vote for hummingbirdvani and eggs. they're both really nice and helpfull!

  37. A big big thanks to chos who voted for me! :')
    Thanks guys! I appreciate it!

  38. I recommend Master720 as an Agent and Eggs. :)

  39. Awww... Thanks Tammii and Eppling <3
    I thank you :) Okay... soo..

    I vote for Statue, and for Eppling :)



  40. I recommend Master720 because he is an awesome person and very helpful
    good luck chobots and master

  41. I shall vote for a change :)

    I vote for Thrasher - He's been a great friend, and always worked his best, I've seen him help a lot of people.

    Good luck everyone!


    Kaicooper :)(:

  42. Good luck Chobots! :) Also we will have a poll too?
    Good luck again and remember, if you dont have votes
    or you will not be an agent NEVER GIVE UP and never say never!
    Just try more and i am pretty sure that you will ne one next time! ;)

  43. My last vote for agent recommendations would be eggs, The reason i think she deserves it is because i see her as a hardworking and a kind chobot.

  44. I want to Vote for:


    Good Luck


    1. Thank you so much Amoona! :)
      I really appreciate it!!!

  45. Wow! Congrats guys! I hope you guys have an AWESOME time being Agents winners!
    So I will be voting for the following:
    Peace- She is always helpful and takes time to look after everyone and Peace shares new ideas.

    Eathan- Eathan derserved Agent ALOT! He was always helpful to others and help other on I think he should be an Agent because he started playing since ever!

    I wish you guys a good luck and I hope you become Agent! :'3

  46. I think fazi914 he has been very helpful and played chobots for some time!

    And Yumm he was helping too and is kind!
    Listens to rules and he told me this game.


  47. For sure Yumm and Parrot

    Yumm because he is kind,listens to rules,and other chos not just me keep up the good work!

    Parrot becuase he is organized and hes hansome to gurls

    1. Oh wait not hansome to gurls i mean nice, my brother wrote that.

  48. I reccomend
    Spencer20: He is an awesome helpful and loyal chobot.
    I also reccomend Carmel1011

  49. Hello cho's, here is my recommendation: Randomz, and master720. Reason: Because they are nice... :D, Helpfull, and are very very good cho's, these 2 are my recommendation... Stay icey guys, -Icestormz.

  50. i vote for Sweetypie and Ifightalot ~CeCe2002

  51. i vote for rookie he is always nice an helps new chobots! -acount

  52. Chobots will be a lot safer and better with these 2 chos as agents.!
    1.eggs-she is an amazing chobots.. she is friendly,helpful,kind,and super stylish... and she has also been playing chobots for just about an year..

    2.peace-she is kind and has amazing style.!she helps a lot with my blogging.. she helps me out when ever have a problem she is always there to help.


  53. My 2 votes are:

    Adster105: The reason is because Adster is really helpful around Chobots and not only has a good attitude, but is an awesome friend to all.

    maxie123: maxie123 is very capable of helping others and is also very nice.


  54. UMMM I VOTE Adster105 He is pro coz he is nice like he is cool From Icesaviour

  55. Hello Chobots,
    Thankyou very much to all who has been very kind and has voted for me.
    Good luck to everyone else I think all of you favourites deserve every bit of it!

  56. Hello all!

    Thank you so much for the votes :3 Good luck to everyone else!
    I just want to let you know, that I can't logg in at the moment. I contacted chobots yet, so dont' worry.

    Have fun - Hummingbirdvani

    1. Hello, Hummingbirdvani.
      I just wanted to inform you, Chobots is currently undergoing maintenance.
      Therefore, nobody is able to play.
      Have fun!


    2. Thank you, however I have got this problem since there were some updates yesterday(before party). I cleared my cache and refreshed. The others were able to logg in, but not me.

  57. I would like to reccomend peace and lamby.
    Both very helpful chobots and really deserve agentship!!

  58. I recommend...

    Peace - For being a great friend on Chobots. She understands the rules very well and I would love to have her in our agency.
    Eggs - A very kind and respected member of Chobots. She has a funny, bubbly personality which makes her so different to everyone else.

    Good Luck Peace and Eggs! x)

  59. I have been watching and the two people I am recommending are Carmel1011 and Lamby
    I have been watching carefully and these are two very helpful and nice Chobots.

    Good luck with the poll everyone
    Sincerely, Art

  60. ive been watching these two people and i choose

    Theufo and Ground. these two are very helpful and are very nice to new chobots.

  61. I am voting for
    1. maxie123 as she is a really lovely person who is always willing to be a helper to all the new chobots that are joining everyday.
    2. Lamby is a very kind cho, and is one of those people that will be happy to lend a hand in any situation.

  62. I've kept my eyes pealed for the Chobot I think truly deserves Agency.
    This user happens to be a very good friend of mine who's username is Eppling.
    I chose her because she's a kind, caring and helpful player who has a great personality and assists users in the greatest way imaginable. As she said before hand, she tries to be helpful, strict yet approachable. I've gotta say, she's done an amazing job.
    G'luck to everyone else! ;)
    Have fun, stay safe.

    1. Thanks supportful!

      Your words mean sooo much


  63. I vote for nmacadaan he is so nice and he helped me on my first day i really like chobots now! it is great! -acount

  64. hi friends!
    chicken from tinkatolli here.
    i think that two chobots called statue and lamby. when I played chobots they were nice to me and helped me out around cho.

  65. nmacadaan- he gave me free wings he is soooo nice and he gave other new people wings too he is awesome i really want him the new agent :)

  66. Hey guys!
    I'd like to recommend the follow friends:



    They are very talented chobots, great friends also they update blogs often with the latest news and help you out in the game!
    Good luck guys!
    - Billy

  67. Hello everyone ,

    you cant Play chobots , so

    u can play it on big screen , Link:


  68. Last Good Luck Chos! :)
    Last day! A big thanks to chos who votes for me! :D

  69. I recommend Thrasher because he helps out alot of people and is really kind to alot of chobots.


  70. I think that Thrasher deserves his agency back because he helps out alot of chobots and hosts fun games!


  71. Final day.. Poll is up, tomorrow.
    Just wanted to wish you all the best or luck.
    And, if you're not one of the winners... I want you to know that there will be plenty more opportunities in the future. Keep trying, never give up, believe in yourself. You'll soon find that the more you work, the harder you try, the quicker you will succeed.


  72. I've just noticed I haven't been recommended. Maybe next time! :) But I would like to recommend:

    Peace: She has really been a helpful chobot, and has a good sense of humor. She very friendly and knows a lot about the game!

    Hummingbirdvani: I don't know if I spelled your name right Hummingbird, but its whatever. She has been very well known chobot that knows a lot about the game and helps. She also is very friendly and can take care of problems easily.

    Well there you have it! :)
    Good luck everyone.

    1. Haha, yes you spelled it right. ^-^
      Thank you very much, brax! :))

  73. NMacadaan

    I think he should be a agent because i always see him helping people around chobots and he helped me a few times now

  74. Staffmember he is really nice he gave me a tour and told me how to get bugs really fast.

  75. I honestly think the 2 right people for the job should be...;

    Peace and Eggs!

    Peace: Is a loyal chobot. You can trust her with ANYTHING. She is helpful and knows a lot about chobots.

    Eggs: Is funny and knows everyone and everything in chobots. She can put a smile on anyways friends. She is not only going to be a great agent. she is also a great friend. Along with Peace.

    If these 2 don't get it. Chobots is missing out. They are great chobots! :D

  76. I recommend Rage and Thrasher!

    Good luck to all.

    ~ cookiez75z

  77. I recommend master720: He is a really nice person. Always tries to keep Chobots safe. He has helped me and a lot of other people. He deserves to e an agent, beause he works really hard.

  78. I vote for coolest!


  79. Thank you for the reccomendations everyone!
    Good luck to everyone!
    Stay safe ~ Lamby. <3

    1. Good luck Lamby, you truly deserve it :)

  80. Thanks guys :3 I hope the bet of luck to everybody!

  81. To everyone who voted for me, thank you! You guys are truly heroes and I wish I could've voted for you all!
    Good luck! May the odds be ever in your favour!

  82. Thanks everyone who voted for me! You are fantastic! :3 And now..Good luck on the poll! ♥

  83. Congratulations Carmel1011, Eggs, Hummingbirdvani, Lamby, Master720, Peace, Rage and Spencer20 You guy's did so so well to get in, Good Luck!
    Thanks ~Sk8er1

  84. Congratulations Carmel1011, Eggs, Hummingbirdvani, Lamby, Master720, Peace, Rage and Spencer20 You guy's did so so well to get in, Good Luck!
    Thanks ~Sk8er1

  85. A big thanks to chobots who voted me!! You guys are awesome. :D
    Alsi if you don't be agent NEVER GIVE UP! ;)


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