Thursday, July 25, 2013

Agent Recommendations!

Hello Chobots!

It has came to that time where we are looking for new Agents to join the team! Do you know somebody that is very helpful and respectful that worked hard enough to become an Agent? With a detailed explanation, you may nominate up to 2 Chobots for a chance to be on the Agents' Poll.

Nominations are no longer being sent in a comment on the blog, we have created a new form system for recommendations, this helps to keep nominations a surprise!

Once the nominations have closed, the Chobots Team will calculate the recommendations, then place top nominees on the Agents' Poll.

Please remember no cheating on the poll is allowed! Cheaters will lose their chances of becoming an Agent forever.

Good Luck,
The Chobots Team

Note: Recommendations posted in the comments will NOT be counted towards the final result.
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