Friday, October 4, 2013

Recap: German Unity Day / Tag der Deutschen Einheit

Hey guys!!

Yay! It's finally weekend! I hope you enjoyed the yesterdays "German Unity Day-Party". Vani and me started with a little part of the German national anthem and beautiful magic effects. After that we continued with more German music and more magic effects!!
Can you find yourself in the following pictures?

Later, Vani and me had a quiz with some interesting facts about Germany, for example when the Berlin Wall fell or who Germany's Chancellor is. The winners of the quiz (Meowww, Flashy, Independent, Feryat, Yosheh and Alexa) will receive 2000 bugs and a Strawberry Shirt (Comment the color under this post or PC me ingame the color you would like, please).
Of course this time we chose the Chobot with the best outfit, again, even if it was hard because all of you wore really cute outfits in "German-style", we still had came to a decision. The winners are:

Promise, Master720 and Meowww will receive 5000 bugs, 5 days of citizenship and a rosette. Good job, guys!

It was really a great party! I hope you collected some informations about Germany and had loads of fun fun. I'm looking forward the next party with you!

See you soon!


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