Sunday, December 16, 2012

Stylish Chobots

Hello Chobots,

As I was walking through the city of Chobots, I couldn't help but notice some amazing Christmas/Winter outfits! Here are a few that stood out from the rest.

 I really liked how Mactercheif combined his giariffe hat with his beanie. It looks like the reindeer he is dressing up as has some ears! I also like the great red and green Christmas colors he is wearing! Great job.

Program is definitely getting ready for the winter season. I love the colors she chose. They represent winter quite nicely. The teddy bear also looks very cute with her outfit. Good work.

I love how Fwuffy is dressed up as one of  Santa's helpers. I love the use of the color  red and her outfit looks very neat. The
paintbrush also reminds me of how Santa's helpers like to create stuff. Great job!

Supportful's outfit looks very cool. I love how he made his jacket stand out from the rest of his outfit. The color blue matches his outfit quite nicely and I love how every part of his chobot is covered. Well done.

Spencer20 looks like he will be warm this winter. His jacket goes along well with his ice magic and ice shard wings from the $hop. I also like how he used the color blue. It's very effective. Good job.

Sharpiemadness' outfit looks simple, but effective. It really shows the fashion of winter with just a few different items. Her jacket matches her skirt very nicely. I also love how she separated the red between the blue. Nice work!

Congratulations guys! You have all been awarded 2,000 bugs to buy stylish clothes.

This week, I am going to be looking for chobots dressing up in some Christmas colors! Here is an idea I came up with.

I will be online  Friday the 21st at 7:00 PM Chobots time to have a look at your styles. In addition, stay stylish throughout the week as I'll pick a few secretly too!

Good luck!


  1. Yeah this is really sweet! =)
    Good luck everyone!

    - Billy

  2. Awesome styles, guys. Congratulations!
    Also, thanks for choosing me! :)
    Keep up the good work, you lot!


  3. Yay :D I knew i had a good idea for the combined hats. :D ~Chief

    1. I do have to give Coliflower Credit for the Ears on my hat :I

  4. Nice styles i love fwuffy's and macter they look fantastic:)


  5. Wow I think im gonna try goin stylish. keep up the good work :)

  6. waiting for draiwng contest results lol... maybe announced tuesday xD

  7. lol...umm thats my other account sharpiemadness not sharpiemaddness
    darnn i wish i got the bugs on my other account


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