Saturday, January 5, 2013

Game Night


For many of us it is the last weekend before returning to school, so why don't we end our winter (or summer) breaks with a bang?! We'd really like for you to join us for a game night!

As you can see from the picture above, the game night will start at 9PM at the Gamezone. 'Game night' on Chobots means that all the games are in competition mode for a few hours, and each game will have a winner! It would be really nice if you came and participated in all the competitions. You wouldn't want to miss it.

For those of us who are already back to school, you can celebrate the new semester and all the tough school work, late nights spent studying and early mornings that are coming up. Yay?

P.S. Check out the information about the testing & journalist programs below, and don't forget to recommend an agent!


  1. Cool! Defently joining. I hope. :D

  2. tags:I love posting
    ROFL jake you make my day <3
    I love your tags!

  3. I love posting too, Jake.
    Labels:, fun, Game Night, i love posting

  4. AWESOME THIS IS ON MY BIRTHDAY!! :D So I might be able to attend since it is at 9. Yay :) Is it 9pm EST? Or 9pm chobots time...?

  5. Thanks Jake! :D Gaaaaame Nightttt! :DD
    Awesome tags Btw, xD : I love posting! xD


  6. cant make it oh well i gotta wait another 2 weeks .__.

  7. im 3rd in the mechanical crab WAHOO !!!!!!!!!! XD . :)

  8. Do i get anything for getting 4th, 7th, 7th, and tenth in different contests xD?

  9. I cant wait for the results to be posted :D I came 1st in Chobots racer


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