Friday, January 10, 2014

Game Night

Hi Chobots!

I hope all of you had a great Christmas and a good start into the year 2014. I'm sure you guys had loads of fun the past days and enjoyed your Christmas break! Since a new year has begun, it's time for the first Game Night in 2014, don't you agree?
As you can see from the picture above, the Game Night will start on Sunday, January 12th at 8 P.M. (20:00) Cho-Time. Game Night is held every few weeks, during this event all competition boards are enabled. You can participate in the contests, and win some cool prizes like:
  •         the game controller
  •         some bugs
  •         and maybe citizenships for a few days
Note: Cheating is forbidden! If you notice anyone cheating during Game Night, please report the Chobot with proof to
I hope to see you there, good luck.

Happy playing,


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