Monday, January 6, 2014

January 2014: Journalist

Hello Chobots!
As with each start to the month, Chobots is looking for new writers to join our Journalist program. This program allows members of the community to showcase their distinguished blogs.

Welcome to the first Journalist cycle of 2014! Below are the requirements that your site must meet to apply for Journalism.
  •     Your blog should be at least one month old and updated weekly.
  •     The posts on your blog must be your own and creative. You may not copy from other blogs or websites.
  •     Images found on the Official Blog may be used in your posts.
  •     At least 1 active blogger and no more than 4 bloggers.
Journalists are rewarded with many wonderful perks, such as:
  •     Your blog will be featured on the play page
  •     Journalist badge on your playercard with the title of your blog, along with an exclusive playercard
  •     In the beginning of the month, each member of your blog will receive one week of free Citizenship*
  •     You will receive the exclusive feather item automatically
  •     You will be invited to write one blog post here on the Official Blog
  •     The ability to contact a moderator through PC, even when their card is blocked
  •        Your blog will be bookmarked by the Moderators
  •     Your website will be featured on the Official Blog
  •     And, a purple name tag

If you would like to take the opportunity in becoming a Journalist, submissions will be open until Friday, January 10th, 2014. Make sure to include your blog link in the comments. After the submissions are closed, the Chobots Team will review all submissions and announce the new January Journalists.

To apply for Journalism, please use the submission format provided below and then published as a comment below:

Site address:
Title of Site:
Site Owner:
Site Contributors:
Why do you feel your blog should be featured:

December Journalists: To ensure all Journalists are still eligible to be a Journalist, you must re-apply to keep your status.

Notice: We have became aware of an issue with our comment provider not allowing some users to submit comments. To ensure all users have the chance to apply while the issue is being taken care of, we urge you to send your application to Support. Journalism applications sent through Support will be accepted until Saturday, January 11th, 2014. Thank you.

Happy Writing,
The Chobots Team

*If your blog has more than 4 contributors, the whole group will not receive free Citizenship.


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